Crypto meme coin vs utility coins
Crypto meme coin vs utility coins
Something struck me over the last few days. Launching a fluffy BS meme coin: no problem. But if you actually launch a utility coin all kinds of hinderance, bs, regulations, rules and so on?
So pure scam vs actually trying to give some utility to an instrument and the scammer and fluffers get a pass?
anyone else find that contradictory to the max?
Whats your take on it?
Randula JLK Answered question February 20, 2025
Most crypto now use the term “utility” as bait, because the truth is most don’t/will never have any real utility. It’s basically the new catch phrase. Always DYOR, and don’t put too much faith in the BS “utility” claim.
Hasitha Jayaweera Answered question February 20, 2025