Careful with Exodus App !

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Careful with Exodus App !

Exodus app( android ) did not generate the private key for a wallet provided by app and support does not have an answer for this matter they suggested couple nethods but did not work, as far I can see the App never generated private key for the wallet provided on it’s own data base,so the BTC sent to that trx can not be used. so as many of you know it can’t be exported to other wallets (known issue) . Huge problem using this popular wallet is really concerning that your coins can be lost or stolen . Exodus support do not have any solution yet.

HebrewAda Answered question September 19, 2024

Thanks for posting the issue.

Your query would be best dealt with by the support team.

Please see the link below to our dedicated support line:

Support : Help Center

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HebrewAda Edited answer September 19, 2024
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