What is the best example one can learn how to charge royalties every time a NFT is re-sold?

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What is the best example one can learn how to charge royalties every time a NFT is re-sold?

I want to create some cool NFTs art, which I want to distribute for free and then get a small royalty (5%) every time the current owner sells a token.

I saw ERC721 and ERC1155 but they don’t cover royalties in any way. I learned from the OpenZeppelin examples.

I don’t want to reinvent the wheel, this is people’s money I am handling here, so I am looking for a solid solidity example that I can learn from.

What should I do?


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Don’t. What you’re trying to do here is trying to copy a dysfunctional technical system, while you could do something way better that actually achieves your goals.

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The problem is that any NFT you create could be sent to a contract and that contract ownership could be sold instead of the NFT. That would skip any logic you built to provide royalties. You’d have to disallow transferring the NFT to a contract.

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EIP Ethereum Wizards will handle it

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