How do I become more knowledgable on everything crypto?

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How do I become more knowledgable on everything crypto?

Whether it be the actual tech, trading, or anything related to crypto. How do I learn more about this topic as well as staying informed on major news of this ever changing tech? I use twitter mainly but throughout my feed I just see a lot of degens talking about nfts, coins and memeing their way through the space. While I do enjoy this sort of content and find it very appealing, I want to become extremely intelligent on the topic. Im sure a lot of these users I follow or see on my feed are LARPing over the internet but I feel as if a few are extremely intelligent and know how the markets work and or whats going on wit the tech. Im unsure of where to look or what to do and can’t for the life of me know where to start.

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  • Read the Bitcoin and Ethereum whitepapers – Understanding the technical foundations is key.
  • Follow developers on Twitter – Stay up to date on technical developments by following project leaders and devs.
  • Take online courses
  • Listen to podcasts
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The big thing right now are X Spaces, join them listen in learn. If you are interested in building tech knowledge of crypto, join spaces of projects you are interested in. A lot of them give good info on back-ends and how everything actually works instead of just hyping.

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Twitter is the right place. You can always unfollow the one you think are not worth a read and in time your timeline is great.

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Andreas Antonopolous is a great place to start. It’s where I started over 10 years ago and I still follow him to this day. He has a decent YouTube channel and two books, mastering bitcoin and the internet of money. I think both of the books are available for free online.

Good luck on your quest!

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Coin Bureau is a good YouTube channel to watch for crypto content, particularly their older videos (sort by views, there are some good ones there)

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