Trezor, Ledger or something else? Somewhat newbie here.
Trezor, Ledger or something else? Somewhat newbie here.
I’m looking forward to store some BTC/ETH/SOL/SHIB in a cold wallet.
I know that both devices have their pros and cons, but there doesn’t seem to be a consensus on which one is more appropriate for the average user. I’m tech savvy but I’m not willing to jump through too many hoops to keep my coins safe. I just need something reliable and safe enough, easy to use/tweak according to my needs.
Feel free to share your personal experience with either of them or another cold wallet. Thanks.
Ledger or Trezor are great. Trezor doesn’t support as many coins but if you’re only doing btc and eth, it’s fine.
Ledger is not a cold wallet after they added a feature that allows the device to share the seed with the computer.
I prefer Trezor, but you must be aware of the more limited coin support. For the ones you mentioned you can use the new Trezor Safe 3 or the Model T without a problem.
I’ve had a Ledger for 6 years and I don’t recommend them.
They’ve leaked all our data and are a complete joke at this point. Look into some of the newer solutions.