Now that we’re in a bear market, did you sell or HODLing?

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Now that we’re in a bear market, did you sell or HODLing?

Well, We just got that dead cat bounce with BTC’s recent half lived pump to 65k and like clock work, it dumped right back.

i was finally able to sell the last remaining bits of crypto i was holding onto. Just kept a tiny amount of ETH, USDT, and BTC relative to how much i had after taking profits.

What is your move for this bear market? Did you finally sell, or holding until the next bullrun in 2027/2028?

Gihan Wijethunga Answered question September 4, 2024

Bull run has already started. Wait until October.

Gihan Wijethunga Answered question September 4, 2024

Bull run starts after the US elections every cycle, but glad ya sold because I’m buying that juicy, juicy dip.

Andrew Peters Answered question September 2, 2024

You are new here if you think we’re in a bear market lol

Samuel Goldenberg Answered question September 2, 2024