Leverage trading in crypto

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Leverage trading in crypto

Planning to do 1.1x – 2x leverage trade on fundamentally good project. Im gonna open a long and hold my position in this bull run. My liquidation percentage would be above 50 percent.

Is this a good long term strategy?

Reshantha De silva Answered question September 19, 2024

There is no point having 1.1x leverage. You might as well buy spot and hodl. Personally I am going long now just ahead of the bull run. I have different leverages across many platforms, ranging from 50x to 1000x. Bull run only happens once every 4 years and this is my 3rd bull run. Calculate your risk vs reward and how much you are willing to risk, then trade according to that.

Reshantha De silva Answered question September 19, 2024

I don’t have experience yet with leverage trading but are als thinking about it. I want to trade max 3x leverage and spread the total sum across different projects. This to spread the risk and maximize the chance of succes. I don’t want to invest one lumpsum into one project. You never know which project is gonna perform well.

Kasun Premathilake Answered question September 19, 2024