Hasitha Jayaweera834

Most crypto now use the term "utility" as bait, because the truth is most don't/will never have any real utility. It's basically the new catch phrase. Always DYOR, and don't put too much faith in the BS...
If its real XLM you don't need to worry about sending it to dead wallet. It's likely to be fake XLM though which you should leave alone. Either way, nothing to do here.
Bitcoin mining is still somewhat profitable, but margins are getting tighter. With Bitcoin currently around $93,000 and mining costs averaging about $88,000 per BTC, miners are seeing roughly a 5% profit...
I’d just leave it alone. Hide it if possible.
Time will tell, I’m holding just incase.
Realize this LONG TERM. It can be difficult to watch daily. I watch prices bi- monthly, write them down, if they are down, I buy. Cannot buy ALL THE DIPS.
Agreed. Nothing feels right or normal to me. This is the weirdest of the 3 “bull runs” I have been a part of.
Maybe invest in XRP until Ripple labs becomes a publically traded company? You could invest in bank stocks or exchanges like coinbase which, since stablecoins will be priced into their valuation
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