Sashitha ilepperuma523

Do whatever you think mate don’t listen to these people that just say no. They obviously hold or don’t know what they are talking about about otherwise they would give you a reason as to why
Hmm, well Op you've reflected on a very important topic for perpetual futures contract traders, I never used to endorse perpetual futures contract trading for a particular set of reasons, To guide newbies,...
Investing is too easy. All that I have to do is to set the price that I want the coin to be bought on an exchange. If it is noncustodial wallet, I can see the price alert so that anytime the coin get to...
Trading is risky for everyone especially in this volatile market that has very small market cap compares to other traditional markets like stock market. This market is more vulnerable to manipulations...
If you’re paying $500 in fees, you clearly did something wrong
The simple answer is because MARKETS are all cyclical, and as much as we try to pretend crypto is different, it really isn’t. It’s still driven by human beings. If you look at the stock market, it...
I tried to buy in the slowest way possible (e.g. 1USD despite the token having a market cap of around 10 Million USD). I failed. I just checked some tokens on coingecko. They are green but for some reason...
I'm not from the US, but I believe my info may be useful for the readers of this thread. In Belarus, all the banks are crypto friendly, if clients' transactions are related to Belarusian exchanges (,...
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