Are all Remix ETH bots scams?

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Are all Remix ETH bots scams?

Hello! I’ve been seeing a lot of ethereum bots that are based on the liquidity of the coin. I took this video as an example:

And a there are also videos that explain that this type of tutorials are scams, like this:

I was wondering if the code that he explains on the first video is legit, or if it is just another scam.

Andrew Peters Answered question September 2, 2024

Yes, never launch code you don’t understand or if you’re not a current developer in the space. Secondly, no one with an edge will give out code for free. Just look into MEV bots on GitHub, there are no working or competitive repos… Because they are worth millions in technology alone

Ruban Lovelace Answered question September 2, 2024
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