Are FET and POL Worth holding? Are altcoins worth it at all anymore?

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Are FET and POL Worth holding? Are altcoins worth it at all anymore?

I’m holding a few hundred USD of each of these and they’ve been pretty poor performing, as much as anything the last couple months, but I also know very little about these projects. Polygon seems like it’s mostly powering shitcoins, like a discount SOL, and I don’t have a clue what FetchAI is even about.
Are they worth holding onto, or should I just sell and buy more BTC?

I’m also holding a significant bag of Solana, which I’m also questioning. Hell I’m even doubtful about ETH. All these alts seem like they’re just shitcoins powering shittier shitcoins.

XRP is the only alt I have that seems like it might be useful, but the SEC is making that hard to hold.

I think I might be becoming a BTC Maxi!

As an aside:
Have I reached 500 characters yet? That seems like such an arbitrary rule. Why doesn’t the editor tell you how many characters you have, like the title field does?

Joan Husk Answered question October 7, 2024

I, too, became a Bitcoin maxi in time. That’s after a long period of being dazzled by Ethereum and the allure of DeFi. But it’s just swapping tokens for other tokens. “Yield” is a bullshit buzzword that describes rehypothecation. There’s no innovation in money creation at all. As we saw, it’s all scammers fractionally lending your money to more untrustworthy scammers until it all collapses.

Is something going to come out of programmable money, aka smart contracts? Probably. I figure I’m not smart enough to see the future.

But I also think the potential pales to the simple promise of Bitcoin. A global, immutable, store of value and means of exchange that can act as base money. The potential market is every man woman and child.

Joan Husk Answered question October 7, 2024
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