Are roadmaps a joke now?

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Are roadmaps a joke now?

I see memecoins launching with the most nonsensical roadmaps (if any at all) like “$1M mktcap, Coingecko listing, then $1B mktcap!” etc., and it seems to me we have reached a point of self-parody in web3. Does this imply that having a serious roadmap was never anything other than marketing fluff in the first place? Are there still projects that actually have a long-term plan? Or was the whole “economic revolution” thing a meme all along?

Sashitha ilepperuma Answered question October 2, 2024

Web3 has been a lesson in what happens when complete instagram/facebook fuckwits with a tiny amount of IT knowledge get to have free rein: just pure and unadulterated scammage and trash ideas that repeat themselves over and over again.

Sashitha ilepperuma Answered question October 2, 2024
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