Book recommendations related to Blockchain, Crypto, Web3

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Book recommendations related to Blockchain, Crypto, Web3

I am currently scouting for grownup high quality books related to Blockchain, Web3, AI and so on. I guess it’s still a bit early to expect a ton of high quality reads.

I found one potential good read about the near future of work (Future of Work, By Paul Lalovich), implementation and integration of the speed run we are currently in with the development of everything.

My plan is to make a list of books, both in Tradfi as well as Blockchain and kick off a challange 2,3 books per month.

Lite and White papers are kinda good “books” for Blockchain in terms of tech, explanation and overall implementation, use case, etc.

Joan Husk Answered question May 9, 2024

The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World by Niall Ferguson.

It’s a tough read, but very informative and great for context.

Joan Husk Answered question May 9, 2024

The bitcoin standard is probably one of the more relevant ones.

Trevor Moraes Answered question May 9, 2024

The Bitcoin Standard

I guess only BTC book is still somewhat relevant nowadays. I tried reading books about Ethereum and DeFi in 2021, books released late 2020 and already extremely obsolete, a total waste of time.

Bhanuka Harischandra Answered question May 9, 2024

The tech moves too fast for books to be relevant. For investing, crypto is no different than fiat. There’s a boatload of incredible financial books out there (and not the “for dummies” kind). If you want to drill down to a particular topic (or just in general), make it a point to read 1 article of interest per day on (check the ‘investing’ section).

Dilshan Tharindu Perera Answered question May 9, 2024

A clear response to this narrative going around, that crypto is a solution in search of a problem: “Ethereum for Business” by Paul Brody.

Kasun Premathilake Answered question May 9, 2024