Bought the dip. Market continues to dip some more. Timing the market is so futile.

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Bought the dip. Market continues to dip some more. Timing the market is so futile.

Been in the game since 2015. Just a little bit here and there.

Shave off some profits when I feel they shall serve my needs. Then enter back in again.

A roller coaster and a whirlwind that you’re sorta used to, but also not. Sigh.

Yohan Harsha Answered question February 3, 2025

I see myself at the account’s a lot later than expected. No real profits this cycle. Trump fucked the market with his megalomania.

Yohan Harsha Answered question February 3, 2025

I feel like people always forget that the market will eventually go down hard at some point and then go back slowly. If you have money DCA. Don’t wait. No FREAKING ONE KNOWS the RIGHT TIME.

Myat Kelly Answered question February 3, 2025

Trying to catch a falling knife will always leave you bleeding. When an asset is dropping LET IT. Let it fall and find its bottom, once it does it will hit that bottom price multiple times prior to climbing again.

Sashitha ilepperuma Answered question February 3, 2025