BTC storage self custody electrum to Trezor?

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BTC storage self custody electrum to Trezor?

Hello, I would like to move some BTC from a CEX (centralised exchange) to self custody.
I have a  cold/hardware wallet Trezor Model One, which has been nothing but problems.
I would prefer a cold/hardware wallet Cold Card, but someone mentioned I might be able to work the BTC via Electrum to the Trezor cold/hardware wallet?

The Trezor Suite is buggy and Trezor support is a -10.
Hoping the desktop Electrum hot/software wallet might be an option to move the BTC to the cold/hardware wallet?

I have a separate question about seed phrase storage using multisig, so I might make a new post.

Joan Husk Answered question May 29, 2024

I think that you’re just having some exploration problems with Trezor and that’s why you think it’s buggy. Overall, the reviews of Trezor are good and it’s no doubt better than its competitor mainly Ledger which is no longer the best option for the most of us.

Joan Husk Answered question May 29, 2024
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