Can Bitcoin reach 100k USD in 2024?

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Can Bitcoin reach 100k USD in 2024?

Bitcoin is very bullish currently.
Not long ago, Bitcoin reached a new all time high proving its sceptics false.

Do you expect it is possible in 2024 for Bitcoin to reach 100k USD?

Oshini Perera Answered question May 24, 2024

And in a few days Bitcoin will be halved. Today I saw the Bitcoin price going down with a corrections, last time I checked it was at $66k above.  It is becoming very difficult to predict how much of a correction Bitcoin will take. I think with the way bitcoin has been going this year and the bitcoin halving, if bitcoin’s correction isn’t too big, it could be possible for bitcoin to reach $100k. But I am optimistic that Bitcoin will cross $100k in the next bull season.

Oshini Perera Answered question May 24, 2024