Can newbie become rich with trading

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Can newbie become rich with trading

Trading look like a hard to understand game and for any new person in trading making profits is always hard that is why am here to ask how can a newbie make profit trading coins and what manual can be followed.

Isuru MS Answered question July 17, 2024

Your topic title indicates you are looking short cut to become rich. That’s the prevention of becoming rich from trading. Because a greedy attempt is enough to throw you to the road, to be honest. If you don’t have enough patience then practice it. Don’t try to become rich over the night. Trading isn’t an investment scheme, here you may make a profit or would lose your capital as well. So the suggestion is to start trading with a small amount and practice, learn as much you can. Read articles and watch YouTube for learning purposes. Then day by day improves yourself.

adrian ondachchi Answered question July 17, 2024
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