Cheapest way to swap USDC to ETH Onchain?

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Cheapest way to swap USDC to ETH Onchain?

Say you have some USDC on the ETH network you want to swap for ETH.

Currently the fees are 30 Gwei, so if you use Uniswap on the ETH network the total fees will be around $25.

Wondering if there is any cheap way to bridge to another network, do the swap there, and bridge back. Just the USDC starts on the ETH network and the ETH needs to end up on the ETH network.

Anyway to save on fees doing this?

I am seeing that the fee to bridge from ETH to ZkSync ERA is $2 on Orbital.Finance but to bridge back its $15 dollars. I am confused why the fee is so cheap one way but expensive the other.

Samuel Goldenberg Answered question August 7, 2024

Have you tried calculating fees from instant exchanges
The likeable one is obviously if you don’t like KYC. Then there are also others like and, but they might ask for KYC if they flag your transaction as suspicious.

Samuel Goldenberg Answered question August 7, 2024
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