Coinbase withdrawal issue – can someone explain this?

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Coinbase withdrawal issue – can someone explain this?

I’ve been interested in crypto for a while now, 2nd cycle, but am by no means an expert.

I recently tried withdrawing some ETH from Coinbase to a private address(triple checked is correct)

The email confirmation shows a Tx Hash the shows the transaction is successful

Tx Hash – 0x2e670b58744877f66a4647687cfffdd1e22b9a06ab60a1670ed62cf3582561b7

And when checking it it appears it has completed however if start looking at the recipient addresses in etherscan the deposit activity isn’t showing and the ETH hasn’t been deposited.

How is this possible, it shows an internal transaction entry on my address activity(as it does on many of those including in the Tx block) but not a transaction and critically it’s been over 72hours

Coinbase support basically told me to have relations with myself but it’s clear something is wrong here.

How can the Tx Hash show a successful transaction and yet the recipient accounts not reflect this?

Has anyone had a similar experience or can you help me understand what happened

Reshantha De silva Answered question July 3, 2024

Had a bad experience with coinbase withdrawing. My 2FA which worked to sign in, produced an error when confirming the withdrawal. Coinbase support are a joke. Eventually after many complaints they did something so that my 2FA worked for withdrawal, but after that I’ve never trusted coinbase.

Keep your crypto in a hardware wallet and never trust coinbase

Lakshitha Kumara Answered question July 3, 2024
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