Does scalping actually work in crypto?
Does scalping actually work in crypto?
So I’ve been testing a scalping strategy which works fairly well (65-80% win rate) but the trouble is I can only get these win rate when I shoot for 0.15 to 0.25% targets and if I keep stop loss too little it’s hard to reach these targets
I haven’t done trading in crypto yet but I wanted to due to 24/7 markets
*Issue: I saw the fee rates on binance, 0.2% for each spot trade and 0.08% for futures, that’s pretty high, spot isn’t even a choice and I can barely break even with futures, for 0.25% target I earn 0.17% so my stop loss would have to be 0.09% with fees loss will be 0.17% each trade, to just break even on a losing trade
this doesn’t seem sustainable
I like to scalp, but I do it for fun and with small amounts of capital.
I usually go long after a dip under the 20-day moving average.
65-80% win rate… You’re about to become a millionaire!