Does using Brave Search help BAT?

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Does using Brave Search help BAT?

If so, you are all welcome, because I use the hell out of Brave search. Probably I am solely responsible for this huge rise in BAT price.

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 2, 2021

Yes…Brave is building an ecosystem of products and the stronger each product is within the ecosystem, the better for Brave and in turn, for BAT. These products include:

-the Brave Browser -Brave Rewards -Brave Search -Brave Talk -Brave Wallet & Brave Swap

The more people that use Brave Search, the better the results will be which attracts more people to adopt Brave Search. At some point, Brave will launch Brave Search (it’s currently in beta) and will offer an ad free and paid version of Brave Search alongside a version that incorporates search ads (similar to what you find on Google searches) in which users would earn BAT if they are opted into Brave Rewards.

Brave Search also has a “Feedback” button that I would highly encourage everyone who uses Brave Search to use when something doesn’t look right or the UX is not optimal.

And thank you for the selflessness in pumping BAT

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 2, 2021
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