Gas prices posts

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Gas prices posts

Every day there are multiple posts about ridiculous amount of gas fees to do a simple transfer or swap and it’s always related to not having enough ether to process the transaction and therefore MetaMask showing a wrong gas estimation (Yes, gas prices are high and we need a solution, but even with the current fees no one has to pay 800usd in fees to transfer some ERC20).

Can the mods add it to the FAQs?

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 3, 2021

There also are people who show specifically high gas prices when trying to use overly complex smart contracts. Swapping or minting NFTs on an L1, notably. I don’t know why people still do this on an L1.

If they had to take a lighter and physically burn their banknotes for the transaction to happen, they’d be much more hesitant, but here they are, burning all their ETH to better complain about it later. We’re really some weird species, frankly.

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 3, 2021
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