Hello just a random question

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Hello just a random question

Hi everyone,
I am curious to know if there any possibility for any other crypto coin to replicate the feat of Bitcoin or even surpass it in the near future.

Oshini Perera Answered question June 25, 2024

It depends — which feats/achievements specifically? Bitcoin has succeeded in a lot of things but only some of the feats can be replicated in other cryptocurrencies.

But just to answer the question — technically? Yes, because in the tech world, you can’t say certain things are ‘impossible’; but how likely? Very very unlikely in my opinion.

Oshini Perera Answered question June 25, 2024

In the past, a lot of dev has tried to do this through forks. They have tried to replicate Bitcoin but with no avail. We have 2 forks in Bitcoin, soft fork and hard fork. The hard fork, is what the developers had tried to create fake replica of Bitcoin like the wrapped Bitcoin wbtc and BCH there are some others I can’t remember though. But after many years of trial, they still couldn’t do it as Bitcoin cannot be replaced as who will one want to buy a duplicate in the first place?We can’t tell about the future as we know it’s unpredictable. But for now I don’t think there’s any cryptocurrency out there that would be created with such potential to surpass that of Bitcoin.

Most of these coins you see today are just profit in and profit out. A lot of these memecoins and new network won’t last for long even with their current hype and pump that’s going on in the crypto market. So I don’t think there is any chance for any of these current cryptocurrency or developers to create something that can surpass Bitcoins potential and level now.

Geek LK Answered question June 25, 2024