How can I buy BAT using a decentralized exchange in ETH?

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How can I buy BAT using a decentralized exchange in ETH?

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 2, 2021

You can buy them on Uniswap. Transfer your ETH to a metamask wallet and connect the extension to initiate the transfer.

Or you could just buy it on a centralized exchange. Plenty of exchanges offer it. Binance, coinbase, huobi, kraken, FTX and gemini are some examples.

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 2, 2021

you can trade BAT on kucoin without KYC, as long as you stay under 5BTC withdrawals per month or something

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 2, 2021

Brave Swap is in the Crypto Wallet brave://wallet

Can swap ETH for ETH or any ERC20

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 2, 2021