How many of you plan to hold for 5+ years and aren’t even thinking of selling during this bull run?

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How many of you plan to hold for 5+ years and aren’t even thinking of selling during this bull run?

Many people view their crypto buys as long term investments and many people are in it for the quick sexy gains.

But looking back, those who bought BTC in 2016 and didn’t sell are doing incredibly well with their initial investment.

However with the potential insane short term gains in this market, most people sell after a relatively short period or buy and sell chasing pumps.

We’ve seen tons of posts about when to sell and nailing the exact right time. How many of you won’t be selling at all this bull run?

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 4, 2021

I have a plan around this – when BTC hits 100K, I will sell 10% of my altcoin bag. After that, every week I will sell 5% of my Altcoin bag, for next 4 weeks.

That is all I plan to sell this bull run. 30% of my altcoin bags.

P.S. ETH is not altcoin in my books. I am gonna hodl BTC and ETH for next 5 years at least.

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 4, 2021

I’m holding until mass adoption, crypto is in its infancy, selling now would be like selling apple stocks before they made the ipod/ iPhone etc, while having knowledge that they are coming. I understand taking some profits but I don’t need profits right now.

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 4, 2021

It’s difficult because I think the second you start trying to time entrances and exits then you can fall into a trap where you start to see every pump as a selling opportunity and every dip as a buying opportunity, and basically trading (which is a very difficult job) comes to dominate your life, with all the stress that comes with it.

Depending on what happens in November and December, my plan was always to reassess at the end of the year.

I’ve also made my peace that if I miss the top, I can just hodl for four years anyway. That’s the worst case scenario.

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 4, 2021