If I’m staking in Daedalus, can I move my tokens without unstaking first?

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If I’m staking in Daedalus, can I move my tokens without unstaking first?

I am currently staking my ADA in the Daedalus Mainnet app, but am I able to move some tokens out of the wallet if they are currently being staked? Or do I have to unstake first and then wait like 15 days (3 epochs) before I can move tokens around?

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 4, 2021

Your wallet is staked, not the ADA. You are free to move the ADA whenever you want. Just do a send transaction. The staking power is based on the amount of ADA in the wallet at the end of each epoch.

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 4, 2021
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