Is Offline Mining Actually a Thing?

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Is Offline Mining Actually a Thing?

I’ve always had an eye for earning passively and amongst my strategies as everyone in my cycle, is mining fringe tokens. In the recent past, I believe a lot of miners were able to earn some substantial rewards from tokens like Avive, Ice etc…I just wanted to know how that could be feasible and how they would be syncing the data on the blockchain etc? Have anyone heard of this? How does it work? Is it worth it?

Reshantha De silva Answered question May 16, 2024

Whatever crypto knowledge I acquired in all these years doesn’t make sense when we say offline mining because mining is something that is used to confirm the transactions which used proof of work so that it needs to be online and has to constantly compete against others to find the rewards so I am going to say this doesn’t make sense, anyone please correct me if I am wrong.

Danusushka de zoyza Answered question May 16, 2024
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