LIDO DAO coin?

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LIDO DAO coin?

Invested into LIDO about a week ago when it was priced at around $1.30 a coin. Now it’s worth about $1.10 on average. I’m thinking that the price will probably jump to about $2-$3 in the near future (probably a few weeks to a few months). What are your guys thoughts?

Reshantha De silva Answered question August 15, 2024

The irony is that these DAO/governance coins are actually not useless, which is what causes them to go down only.

Reshantha De silva Answered question August 15, 2024

It’s going up or down. Most likely it will go to 0 as most coins are meme or useless. Even coins that have actual good uses and functions die out often as there’s so many alt coins now

Randula JLK Answered question August 15, 2024