Need advice regarding buying

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Need advice regarding buying

Lately, I’ve been putting a lot of work to educate myself toward Bitcoin, going through ressources from / / Essays / Well document articles…… im officially down the rabbit hole.

I have the feeling that i am starting to understand deeper what Bitcoin truly is, what it brings, how it changes everything, what hope it brings, and mostly, how HONNEST it BTC is.
I am more and more amazed by it, to the point that i’ve lost almost any interest toward any other crypto «currencies».

To put it in other word, i want to add more bitcoin to my portfolio but with current near ATH price, i am not sure how to proceed from here.
We all know buying at/near ATH is not the best move. On the other hand, people will suggest « DCA DCA – long term long term».

Yes I’ve been doing DCA with BTC. I’ve stopped doing so at 2 weeks ago, at 59k. Thought it was getting high to buy.

What are you guys currently doing ? Still buying at 65-68k ? Waiting a for a while ?

Danusushka de zoyza Answered question August 13, 2024

Depends on your goal perspective because people are different when it comes to decisions like these whether some of them would really be that mindful on buying on bottom price as possible and some doesnt really care

because they are aiming for long term which means buying point or entry wouldnt really be that much an issue as long they do able to accumulate and able to buy as they like.

Danusushka de zoyza Answered question August 13, 2024

Buying at ATH is preached not to be the best of ideas but then, don’t forget that yesterday’s low was once an ATH at a time. That’s the point of it all. The market is designed to continue to rise and it would, its just a matter of time. Your idea or investment plan is where the problem is settled at. I don’t hesitate to buy when ever I’ve got the chance becuase, I’m very much prepared to hodl for as long as I draw breath if need be. Only spending my coins when I’ve got no other option. It might not be your way but, its what works just fine for me and don’t seem like a bad idea either.

Reshantha De silva Answered question August 13, 2024