New player is looking for some guidance

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New player is looking for some guidance

I’m new in crypto market but trying to learn and catch up rapidly.

I plan to invest on long term for holding.

My question would be relative….strange to many I think. (It sounds strange to me but interested how you all think about it).

I had the idea to build up my portfolio by spending 100-200$ weekly with something like this:

For every $100 I would buy:

  • $50 BTC
  • $30 ETH
  • $20 SOL

Otherwise if this is not a valid idea I would just invest in either BTC due to obvious reasons, or SOL becase it’s still in that affordable range however I’m unsure how this slow build up would work out.

Dilshan Tharindu Perera Answered question November 14, 2024

Are you bullish on the market? Not for the faint of heart. For a beginner I do like BTC/ETH/SOL although I have my reservations about SOL. On other threads people are saying SOL will be 1K by 2025. Not to sure about that. It would take quite a pump.

Dilshan Tharindu Perera Answered question November 14, 2024

Nothing to catch up to. IN terms of worldwide adoption you are still early so just buy what you can, when you can and chill. It may seem that this market will only go up from here but those that are here for a few years know it’s really a rollercoaster.

DCA your way into a position and never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Hasitha Jayaweera Answered question November 14, 2024