OG tokens from satoshi App, is this a legit project?

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OG tokens from satoshi App, is this a legit project?

I’ve noticed that satoshi app new project mining airdrop distribution of OG tokens which is glyph exchange has already ended. However, I got some few tokens of it at around less that one of quantity. At first it sounds amazing, but literally the distribution was too less for each receiver to acquire.
Let’s discuss about this new project, share every opinion here, brilliant ideas are very welcome. Could this crypto project turns to be legit, or its just same with old tokens taking steps only through hype?

Sashitha ilepperuma Answered question May 27, 2024

I think it is very difficult to determine the validity of the tokens from the Satoshi application, because most of the tokens offered are in the form of mining in airdrop mode, it’s best if you don’t force yourself to enter and take part in it, because you are worried that you will lose everything.

Sashitha ilepperuma Answered question May 27, 2024

Indeed, for now there’s no new project showing up for that app ang OG tokens for glyph project has no exact announcement if they’ll distribute on the exact date. We’re waiting for the official announcement for this right now. That’s true many people really strive harder to earn from this despite of no assurance, at least the efforts isn’t that difficult to participate.
I was benefited lastly from this app, core dao tokens is their last successful project which I also hold.

Myat Kelly Answered question May 27, 2024