Trezor, Ledger or something else? Somewhat newbie here.
Trezor, Ledger or something else? Somewhat newbie here.
I’m looking forward to store some BTC/ETH/SOL/SHIB in a cold wallet.
I know that both devices have their pros and cons, but there doesn’t seem to be a consensus on which one is more appropriate for the average user. I’m tech savvy but I’m not willing to jump through too many hoops to keep my coins safe. I just need something reliable and safe enough, easy to use/tweak according to my needs.
Feel free to share your personal experience with either of them or another cold wallet. Thanks.
Ledger is not a cold wallet after they added a feature that allows the device to share the seed with the computer.
I prefer Trezor, but you must be aware of the more limited coin support. For the ones you mentioned you can use the new Trezor Safe 3 or the Model T without a problem.