Views and thoughts on Algorand?

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Views and thoughts on Algorand?

I am highly invested in Algo and its entire ecosystem. Especially with the introduction of Tinyman, for everyone who has not heard of tinyman its an AMM. I have provided liquidity to the Yieldly/Algo pool for about two weeks now and my initial investment has not gone red yet and im happy with that. I even turned some of my dust into sizeable bag of TacoCoin and it has exploded the last two days, obviously i am not gonna dump my entire portfolio into a new asa but it is nice to see 100% gains in a day, but i will not fomo, it is just a nice pipe dream that it will continue its growth and survive.

Has anyone else had a similar experience with algo and their ASA’s and if you have do you have any recommendations for any other small cap projects?

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish October 31, 2021

A great long term hold. You probably won’t see crazy gains this bull run, but it’s a solid project with great fundamentals.

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 2, 2021

Great project with a growing ecosystem. Yieldly and Tinyman has been great. Algodex will be a great project too.

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 2, 2021

Algo actually does something with its technology. Unlike other projects and I respect that.

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 2, 2021

Fantastic project, amazing wallet, easy staking and such a bright future!

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 2, 2021

ALGO is here to stay.
Clear winner in my books.

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 2, 2021