Wen USDC integration?

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Wen USDC integration?

Can anyone provide info on what progress is being made towards USDC integration?

I remember Charles saying something about Circle wanting $10M for USDC integration. Is this what’s halting the integration? $10M would be a drop in the ocean. This is roughly 1% of the treasury. USDC integration would easily bring this money back via network fees. This is a no brainer for adoption.

I looked into trading between the current stablecoins on Cardano and the lack of liquidity makes conversions extremely expensive for large trades.

There must be someone out there talking with Circle about this? If not, then who is best suited to do this and why aren’t they?

I feel this should be something which is put forward to the community to vote on i.e. “do you want USDC? Yes/no” and explain any terms like paying some money to Circle.

What is the point of dencentralised voting if the most important topics aren’t even available for voting.

Edit: I’m wondering what the reason for not having USDT is? I’ve never even heard anyone talk about USDT on Cardano.

Ruban Lovelace Answered question November 13, 2024