What advice would you give youre younger self? Getting confident after first profits

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What advice would you give youre younger self? Getting confident after first profits

After researching for 2 Months about Crypto & Trading, i pulled myself together and took some money i can afford to loose. Man, theres a cold hearted market out there However this rush feeling the commited strategy guides you to success is amazing!

I made 1000$ from 600$ in 1 week? I feel like a baby shark in the Mariana Trenches

Whats some of the things you would wanted to hear when you started?

Hope Crypto gets the attention it deserves in 2025, looking forward to everybody doing great this year!!!

Binura lanka Thilakeratne Answered question January 7, 2025

be as robotic as you can. losses don’t matter, wins don’t matter it’s a process.

in 1000s of trades it’s about how well your edges wins can out weight the losses. aslong as your wins out weight the losses and you’re above 45% WR you’re a profitable trader.

Stop getting fixed up on the gurus online who flex cars, money, and whatever else without actually showing their process or strategy behind things, if it sounds too good to be true it usually is.

Geek LK Answered question January 7, 2025
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