What should I consider for a SaaS or Software platform accepting crypto payments
What should I consider for a SaaS or Software platform accepting crypto payments
Hello guys.
I am currently thinking about accepting crypto on my platform and I also am thinking about “crypto only” payments for the website.
I even talked to a local company who provides payment gateways and they let us accept currencies such as BTC, ETH and USDT (I know they have a few more options but I’m not sure which were they, maybe TRX or SOL).
Now, my question is that what should I consider when I offer a crypto-only payment system? You may have guessed it, my main problem is the customer’s trust specially with all these scams in the crypto space.
Actually crypto is all about cutting out the middleman at heart. You just need to setup a wallet and inform your customers about your public address. That’s all you need.
For convenience you can generate a qr code or register an ENS name.