What to do with a fee extra bucks?

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What to do with a fee extra bucks?

I’m one of those that sometimes goes months and months without checking my wallets, just realized I’ve had $250 cash just sitting there. Might as well make it do something, what should I grab for only $250?

I’m toe dipped into XRP, Doge and Shibu

Should I go in more XRP? I see wildly opposite arguments in both directions for XRP. Some say it’s shit, some say it’s going to explode.

SOL – only can afford 1 coin, not sure that’d be worth it?

SUI? I’ve been reading good things.

Do I buy more Doge? I have no idea what’s going to happen with the new US administration and Elon being the new “first buddy”…

Is HBAR really going to keep growing? Seems like it was hot on 22 and fell for the last 2 years…

$250 isn’t a big deal but it’s not doing anything just sitting there.

Reshantha De silva Answered question November 18, 2024

Hbar is a good idea I think. Tron is also a relentsless coin … slow but steadily going up.

Lakshitha Kumara Answered question November 18, 2024
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