What will happen to my ETH once ETH2.0 will go live?

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What will happen to my ETH once ETH2.0 will go live?

It may sound dumb this question but I’m having trouble to understand what will happen to my eth, will change into 2.0? What will happen to the price if they are two different coins? What about the little part of ETH I’m staking?

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 1, 2021

There is no ETH 2.0. ETH is ETH, they’re just doing upgrades like they always have been. Unfortunately people who aren’t familiar with the ecosystem (and Coinbase) started called it ETH 2.0 and it just kinda stuck.

Long story short, you don’t need to do anything. Your ETH will be ETH 2.0. ETH 2.0 is just normal ETH. There will always only be 1 coin, 1 price, etc. No need to spend any more time thinking about it.

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 2, 2021
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