What’s going on with these low Caps!

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What’s going on with these low Caps!

Why are all these random low cap cryptos pumping but none of the top 50 really. All these shitcoins are making people money, but how are they just catching it before it lifts off or were they into the project before knowing it’s potential. Or are people just FOMOing in?

Sashitha ilepperuma Answered question January 27, 2025

It also called dexscreener, that how we watch all the new coin dropping.

Sashitha ilepperuma Answered question January 27, 2025

The percentage of people making money off meme coins is very very low. Main reason why they pump is because everyone thinks they will be rich. Only maybe like 3% or lower truly make money off that. Most of the time it’s people buying high or holding and losing everything because they think they know “game” Alt season almost here

Geek LK Answered question January 27, 2025