Which NFT pool to choose?

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Which NFT pool to choose?

Hi guys, I was wondering is there any fundamental differences between NFT chia pools? And which one do you suggest and why

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 2, 2021

Not really.

The only thing you need to avoid is cheating pools with hidden fees.

Personally I prefer to use FlexFarmer and since it only works with FlexPool there is not much choice involved.

If the official GUI was bearable and I for some reason, wanted to switch pool, then I would probably go with SpaceFarmers just because they are small and seem nice or Space Pool because they are biggest and there is often safety in numbers.

TLDR: You can pretty much chose any pool you want and as long as you avoid ending up with a cheating pool it doesn’t really matter, except for the pool fee which is tiny anyways (up to 1%)

P.S. If you go with a very tiny pool you will also notice a larger variance in payouts from day to day but it should even out in the long run.

Coin Ceylon Approved Changed status to publish November 2, 2021
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