Which other wallet(a) can I restore my Eternl wallet in?

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Which other wallet(a) can I restore my Eternl wallet in?

I’m having problems with Koinly integrating with Eternl and was gonna restore it to Daedalus but apparently I can’t.

I’m hoping that of I do maybe the new wallet with integrate better with Koinly. It was showing transfers from Yoroi to Eternl as profit for some reason and I have no clue how to fix it. I’m not very tech savvy.


Oshini Perera Answered question June 12, 2024

I definitely would not recommend Daedalus for this scenario.

I’ve had my sparring sessions with Koinly and there is definitely some friction with using their products. So you’ve imported both your Yoroi and Eternl wallets? The only thing that should show in profit/loss there would be whatever the transaction fee was for the transaction. So it may show some small profit there. You’re saying it is showing the entire value of the transaction as a profit?

Oshini Perera Answered question June 12, 2024
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