Why Aren’t Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?

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Why Aren’t Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?

Two years ago, I stumbled upon crypto alerts, and they were a total game-changer for my trading strategy. And when I say game-changer, I mean it! Since then, I’ve been wondering why more people aren’t talking about these powerful tools. If you’re not already using crypto alerts, you’re missing out on a fantastic way to stay ahead.

I came across a telegram channel called Whale Sniper, they had volume notifications from Binance for unusual selling and buying activity that kept coming — FOR FREE! This was already giving me a lookout at what is coming by using basic common sense. As I looked deeper I found out who is heading these alerts, and let me tell you, it was so worth it.

They have a whole system for filtering exactly the kind of alerts you want to get ON YOUR PHONE, you can choose from many exchanges to cover, the amount of $$$ you want to see traded, and the quote market! Now I hope you understand the value of these, and if you dont, wait until I tell you about the other alerts they send out.

Defi Alerts, yes. You can input addresses, whether it’s wallets or coins, choose from a vast amount of filters like Deposits, Burns, Withdrawals, etc. and get notifications on your Telegram, Discord or Slack with any of these activities. I set it up for a whale I am watching and this new coin I was interested in, and my eyes were.

They are called Xypher and you can find them on Xypher.io . Thank me later.

Gihan Wijethunga Answered question August 20, 2024

I will not be surprised if this is even a scam. Some poeple will know nothing but look for ways to earn money from people. They will be gambling with trading candle sticks and market but telling people that they are providing signals.

Gihan Wijethunga Answered question August 20, 2024

The question is why aren’t the creators of such crypto alert tools using the same algorithms to make millions of dollars for themselves instead of selling them off the alerts to people for 20 dollars per month?
Let me tell you why, it’s because they don’t work. They are not profitable.
The traders aren’t raving about the crypto alerts because after sometime, they realized that they were just getting robbed. Stop shilling!

Lakshitha Kumara Answered question August 20, 2024